Thursday, October 25, 2012


Three short films in one. The segment entitled "The Drop of Water" creeped me out in my younger days. The sight of the dead woman, damn! I could imagine her knocking on my door and me answering it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Recently wrapped up my 4th or 5th reread (I don’t remember which) of Clarke’s Against the Fall of Night. From there I moved straight into Clarke’s The City and the Stars, Clarke’s rewritten version of the prior mentioned novel.

Have to say that this is only my second read of The City and the Stars. I first read it decades ago before I ever read Against the Fall of Night.

While I’m on a Clarke kick for reading, The Sands of Mars is up next. I don’t know why but I’ve never gotten around to reading this one at all. One of the very few Clarke novels that have slipped through my reading list unread.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Those interested in picking up a copy of my Lovecraftian collection OF GODS & ALIENS from had better do so soon. In the VERY near future I will pull it from the market and it will cease to exist in its current form.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


…by Arthur C Clarke is my current reading material. For the fourth time. I’ve taken to rereading a lot of material with the odd new item (eg, Timefall blog below) thrown in. In fact, I’ve three more Clarke rereads on deck after this one.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Back in the early to mid-80s I read James Kahn’s fantasy novel World Enough, & Time, and its sequel, Time’s Dark Laughter. For my money, two of the best fantasy novels ever written. I never knew for a number of years that Kahn actually wrote a third novel, making it a trilogy, ie., the New World trilogy. This third novel, written in 1987, was called Timefall.

A couple years ago I stumbled across this third novel on the net. About a year ago I picked it up through ebay. But it sat a while. Other reading matters pressed. Then finally, just recently, I read it. The third in the trilogy, all these years later after having read the first two. It didn’t disappoint me at all. Yes, the New World trilogy is one of the best fantasy trilogies written.


...on my writing career.

Yeah, soon to be over. I’m working on an episodic novel, and even with that, I’ve got a bad case of writer’s block. I’ve got a few things pending, ideas, outlines, partially written stories, but I really don’t care. I’m disillusioned with writing and the industry in general.

So, after I finally get around to completing the episodic novel, that’s it. My experiment with writing my own material is over. I suppose this blog will be relegated to films and novels I like.